St. Albert Learning Centre

Professional Activity Days

Please take a moment to explore the details of our upcoming Professional Activity (PA) Day:

Guest Speakers in Schools

In accordance with the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act (2023), details about upcoming guest speakers or organizations presenting to students will be posted on this page.

Register Now for the Upcoming School Year!

Looking to upgrade for post-secondary or complete your secondary school? Call the school at 705-673-3031 or email us at for more information.

Earn Your High School Diploma

It’s never too late to earn your high school diploma. Our flexible adult focused programs can help you do just that.

Update Your Contact Information
Host International Students

Find out how you can support international students studying at Sudbury Catholic Schools!

Find out more
Apply Now!


Welcome to St. Albert Learning Center.  This is a unique, inclusive learning environment that offers a variety of programs to suit anyone’s needs and learning style.  As a school community, we strive for academic excellence that will prepare learners for their future goals in the workplace, post-secondary or apprenticeship.

Read Principal's Full Message

During my time at St. Albert, the teachers and staff became mentors I didn’t know I needed. They gave me more than an education, they saved my life in more ways than I am willing to admit. My experience at the school not only earned me my High School Diploma, but I was supported in my transition into adulthood. I am now successful in full time employment at Youth Initiatives Group home. In 2019, my writing was published in the Messy Minds project. Thank you to St. Albert Learning Centre for helping me find value in education when I was at a point in my life when I couldn’t see the value of it on my own.

Naomi Boucher,
Primary Staff Member at Youth Initiative Group Home



Our Vision

Leaders in Learning and Faith

Our Mission

To realize each student’s potential within our inclusive Catholic learning community by nurturing and developing their mind, body and spirit.

Our Values

Modelling Jesus in the world through:
Faith — Respect — Community — Innovation — Learning



Our strategic
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