The Personal Support Worker (PSW) in Ontario provides a range of health care services in a variety of settings:

- Long-Term Care Facilities
- Agencies in the Community for Home Care Providers
- Adult Day Programs
- Supportive Housing Settings
- Group Homes
- Hospitals
- Educational Facilities
- and more!
PSW Services
The range of services provided by the Personal Support Workers depends upon the individual needs of each person they support. This may include Home Management, Personal Care, Family Responsibilities, and Social and Recreation Activities.
Upon completion of the PSW Program, students will receive a certificate and pin that is recognized by all health care institutions.

Requirements for Students
To be granted admission into the Personal Support Worker Program, students must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Attend an Information Session
- Successfully complete a basic literacy assessment and interview
- Provide a clean Criminal Record Check and vulnerable sector screen
- Provide a high school transcript and one of the following: Birth Certificate, Permanent Resident status, Certificate of Canadian citizenship, Canadian Passport, Immigration status form.
- Provide a documentation of a negative 2-step Mantoux test (TB Test)
- Provide documentation for Hepatitis B inoculation
- Provide documentation for the Flu shot
- Provide documentation of up to date Immunizations.
*Please note: Once enrolled in the program, students will need to obtain 2 sets of scrubs and the proper shoes as listed in the handbook.

Course Outline
- Minimum of 625 hours of course time
- Approximately 6 months in length
- Taught by an RN with a B Ed.
- 6 credits towards your Ontario Secondary School Diploma
- PSW certificate from an accredited program
- Training includes CPR/First Aid
- Three Co-op placements (a total of 300 hours) comprised of facility and community practicum
- Students must maintain a 70% average after each module (14 in total)
- Cost: $1800 (includes text, CPR/First Aid)

How to Register for the PSW Program
The Personal Support Worker Program will be offered twice per school year with start dates in September and January. To gain admission into the Personal Support Worker Program, students must be at least 18 years of age and complete the following steps:
- Attend an information session
- Complete and pass an entry test
- Submit a completed application package
- Complete an interview with teacher
Personal Support Worker Program at Ontario Schools