Staff and students throughout the Sudbury Catholic District School Board joined hundreds of others across Canada by participating in Orange Shirt Day on Wednesday, September 30, 2020.
By wearing orange shirts, we recognize the harm the residential school system did to children’s sense of self-esteem and well-being and it serves as a symbol of our commitment to reconciliation. Since it began in 2013, the phrase “Every Child Matters” has been used as part of the movement to recognize the value of every child and for communities to come together.
“The Sudbury Catholic District School Board firmly believes that every child matters and as such we will continue to honour Orange Shirt Day year after year,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education. “We are committed to Truth and Reconciliation and we strive to find opportunities for our staff and students to come together in support of intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.”
This month we are encouraging students to participate in the Daily Trivia Challenge from June 8th – June 19th,2020.
There are two category groups: Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 6)-Home Scavenger Hunt: Entry Form and Secondary (Grade 7 – Grade 12)- Skilled Trades Trivia Game : Entry Form
Each day, a trivia question or clue will be shared via social media encouraging students to record the answer or take the appropriate photo. There will be 10 days in total. Students will then submit all 10 correct answers on the appropriate Google Form on June 19th for a chance to win a prize.
Winners will be announced on social media on Monday June 22nd!
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is proud to announce that we will be providing several new summer learning opportunities this year. We are now accepting registration for our Summer e-Learning Courses for secondary students. There will be several other learning opportunities offered this summer through the school board; this is just the first group of learning opportunities available.
Summer e-Learning Courses for Secondary Students
Summer e-Learning courses are full-credit courses available to students who are currently registered in grades 9-12. These courses are taught by qualified Ontario Teachers across the province. These courses are fully online and typically consist of a blend of online lessons and independent work. Students who are successful in a summer e-Learning course typically commit to working 4-6 hours a day from Monday-Friday for the 4 weeks that the summer course is offered. Secondary Summer e-Learning courses cover the same range of content that is typically covered during a full semester course in a condensed timeline.
Courses are offered in English, Math, Religion, Science, Social Studies, and the Humanities for students currently in grades 9-12.
The Sudbury Catholic District School board will be offering Grade 11 Religion (HRT3M), Grade 12 Religion (HRE4M), and Careers/Civics (CHV2O/GLC2O). Co-op may also be available in some circumstances.
Students must have the prerequisites to register for a course over the summer. For more information about specific courses, please contact the guidance contact at your school:
Every week throughout the month of May, join virtual learning/information sessions as we create an online community of support for parents and educators. Sessions include Internet Safety, Supporting Students Through the COVID-19 Pandemic, Google Classroom: The Parent Connection, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Learning About the Dangers of Human Trafficking, French as a Second Language Supports, Reading supports through Lexia, and Reading and Writing!
Sessions will take place each week in May from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. virtually on Zoom. Don’t miss out! Register now at the following LINK.
Kaitlin Taylor, Continuing Education teacher at St. Albert Learning Centre, has been producing masks using the school’s 3D printer since the middle of April. So far, she has produced over 70 masks. All of these that have been given to Health Sciences North. Kaitlin is ‘happy to be working with fellow staff and students of Sudbury Catholic Schools in producing these much needed resources for Health Sciences North’.
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Chairperson’s Award. All three individuals embody the Board’s mission, vision and values. They are each passionate about Catholic education and demonstrate an unwavering commitment to student success.
Cathy Spencer is an Educational Assistant at Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S who always strives to put students first. She has worked tirelessly to meet the needs of students at risk, often taking the lead on projects such as the Open Doors program and the Breakfast Club. Through Cathy’s everyday positive attitude, she is a beacon of light for staff and students alike. She is regarded as a kind individual who brings a smile to all who meet her in the halls at Bishop and makes everyone feel welcome and included.
Ginette Toivonen is the Indigenous Education Facilitator for the Board. Through this position, she ensures that the Catholic values are integrated with the Ojibwe Seven Grandfather Teachings. As Indigenous Lead, Ginette has created many opportunities for students to feel comfortable and safe at school while learning with their peers about Indigenous knowledge and World views. Ginette is an innovative, caring and inclusive individual with a true passion for what she does.
Melanie Johncox is an Literacy & Basic Skills instructor at St. Albert Learning Centre who supports our adult students at the Sudbury District Jail four days per week. In her role, Melanie works directly with students on their individual learning plans, approaching each student with a caring and supportive approach and ensuring that they have the resources that they need to succeed. Melanie models Jesus and our Catholic values in her interactions with all learners and is seen as an empathetic and compassionate member of the St. Albert Learning Centre community.
“Each year, I have the honour of recognizing individuals who are difference makers and leaders within our Catholic learning community,” said Michael Bellmore, Chair of the Board of Trustees. “These individuals are always inspirational and are a true representation of what it means to be a leader in learning and faith. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we are proud to recognize the recipients and thank them for their continued service and commitment to Catholic education.”
This year’s award winners were recognized at the April 21 Board meeting and will be honoured formally at a later date.
Cathy Spencer (left), Ginette Toivonen (middle) and Melanie Johncox (right) have been chosen as this year’s Chairperson’s Award Recipients.
Please view the following link which contains resources designed to help support and to compliment what teachers have planned as we move to a distance learning approach.
In response to the CONVID-19 virus, Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health advised all 72 Ontario School Boards to close their schools from March 14 – April 5, 2020 to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff. While our schools are closed, we are committed to keep you informed.
Learn at Home Portal
The Ministry of Education has launched a new online platform to
help students continue learning while schools are closed. While these materials
do not replace what students have been learning at school, during this unusual
time, these at-home activities offer quick and easy access to resources for students
from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
resources are designed to help young students learn at home with interactive
activities that encourage participation through entertaining and stimulating
digital content. High school content was designed with a focus on STEM courses
and ensure core competencies and skills are reinforced.
We know this is an uncertain time for our province and our country. Students may experience a range of emotions during the COVID-19 situation. Please see the following resource from School Mental Health Ontario designed to provide mental health support and tools for students:
On behalf of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, we thank you for your partnership and cooperation as we do our part to practice social distancing and flatten the curve. We will continue to keep you updated on our website and on our social media pages.
St. Albert Learning Centre graduated their latest Personal Support Worker (PSW) class.
Being a PSW isn’t easy. PSWs face long hours, physically and emotionally demanding work.Being a PSW means you can make a real difference in someone’s life. You do what doctors, nurses, and sometimes even family can’t do: spend meaningful time with people. PSWs are the difference makers, the front-line workers, the glue of the health care world.
Congratulations to our latest batch of PSWs- may you find success in your future endeavours!